Executive Coaching


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Posts in Personal Growth
EVERYTHING | What we need, right now.

Here we are, sailing into the second month of 2021, the year ought to be post-pandemic ….relief, reconciliation...resurrection?

The word that comes forward for me is renewal. Whilst renewal is a noun, the process is an active one. In the Oxford dictionary it is described as “make like new; restore to freshness, vigor; to make extensive changes”; and my personal favorite,“to begin again.”

That’s what I feel we need right now. It’s certainly what I’ve been needing: Shoshin, the beginner’s mind. In Zen Buddhism, where the concept of Shoshin originates from, the term isn’t reserved for starters only — in fact, it is emphasized in particular as a beneficial attitude for somebody at an advanced level.

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RULE PLAY | Who made the rules?

What does it mean to do my work freely, without obeying rules I didn’t make? Heeding to what’s considered appropriate is the longstanding dilemma of my career. In the way big P (being professional) has been positioned - proper, polished, ever pleasant...and in such, devoid of passion... it just ain‘t working for me.
Being passionate means having strong emotions for, (and against something), is far from being up to code, and passion in/at work overrides any attempts to upkeep manicured public profiles, or say, deliver what’s expected.  So what happens if we stop subscribing to a narrative that says we should?

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A BLUEPRINT | What do you stand for?

Five years into doing this work, I find myself disenchanted with the world of Wellness, and at the fringes of it. So much so, that I question whether it’s still my space. Change is the only constant, we know that, and this includes our working environments. Things get a bit more sticky however, when these shifts are not congruent with our own, when we no longer feel aligned with what our professional landscapes stand for. This has been the case for me. So I sit here, with my own blueprint questions: What do I care about? What do I stand for? What are the values that I hold dear and near, high and above?

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